The Lost Eyes

I have been waiting for a while
But here it is

The Lost Eyes!


This is the journal of Captain Daven Smilt, the captain of the S.S. Wazaa after he was stranded on a island.


Dear Log,
I have been stranded with my best mate, Manny Atdins, my sergeant, John Kopple, and my general, Janey Brucks. I shall keep a journal of our adventures on this island. As of now, our only goal is to survive.


Dear Log,
I just woke up and saw... a thing. I don't know what is was, but it had big blue ears, jaws that could crush the universe in half, and red, piercing eyes that knew what I was about to do. I reached over to my side and got my gun, but when I looked back, he was gone.
I am still waiting for it to return so I can blast the fucker's asshole open.


Fuck this, I'm about to go into the forest, I don't think he will ever come back to kill me
I hope I can find this bitch and show him to my crew


Fuck me, everybody thinks i'm insane. I have to kill that bastard.
I will update later


Oh my fucking god, I need a smoke break, but my cigarettes are all gone. Wait, does that monster fucker smoke? I haven't smoked a single cigarette since I got here, and I had a pack of cigarettes with me.


I woke up with John Kopple laying on me. I'm about to check him.
Update: OH MY FUCKING GODDD! His body has been ripped open and his organs are gone.